Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 8: Youth sins

Day 8: Youth sins
Leviticus 25; Psalms 25-26; Acts 22

Ps 25:7 "Remember no the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me for you are Good, O Lord."

The Lord does not hold grudges for your mistakes.  If you repent of your sins, ask for His forgiveness, and forgive yourself, you can move on and focus on doing God's will for your life.

I like everyone have a story--a testimony.  No I am not proud of every decision I have ever made in my past, but these are the decisions have made me who I am today.

Lord help me to love myself as you are Good and Love me.  Help me to be happy for the lessons I've learned because they have brought me closer to you.  Help me also not to make the same mistakes twice.

Lord thank you for the person that you have made me.  I didn't come to know you until I was in college and because of that, I was very sinful and rebellious.  I lived a very lonely and sad life until I met you.  Not that I am thrilled with the fact that I feel part of my purpose you have given me is sharing my testimony with youth; frankly the thought scares and embarrasses me.  But I am very passionate sharing my story because I know how lonely a life of sin and rebellion can be.  I want kids to know they don't have to live that life.  They don't have to make those same mistakes.  They can choose a life with God now and save a lot of heartache and pain.  No, a life doing God's will isn't always easier, I imagine especially in junior high and high school it can be very difficult with all the peer pressure and temptations.  But delayed gratification should be one's key focus.  Junior high and high school are a temporary part of life, Jesus is forever.

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