Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 19: Healer

Mark 5:34 "Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Put your faith in God and Him alone and He will bring peace in your life.

When I put my faith in God and know that He is the only one that knows what's best for me and is in control of my life, an enormous pressure is lifted from my shoulders.  He will take care of me no matter what, but there will be peace in my life if I put my faith in Him. 

Lord help me put all my faith in you so I may be freed from my suffering.

Recently, my daughter has been suffering from some red bumps on her face.  They first started under her eye around Christmas.  The first doctor told us it was an infection and prescribed us an antibiotic.  After her eye was not getting better we decided to see another doctor.  He thought is was just dry skin and gave us some cream.  After the bumps started spreading to other parts of her face and on her back and chest I decided it was time to stop all the medications and start praying for God's healing.  It has only been a week thus far, but her bumps are starting to clear up and she is happy not to be medicated all the time.  Thank you heavenly Father for your incredible healing!

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