Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 17: House

Mark 3:25 "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

Everyone must be on the same page for things to go right.  If most everyone is working together towards a similar goal, things will go mostly right but sometimes wrong.  If the hands don't do what the brain says they should, the puzzle pieces will not come together.

Do what God tells you to do.  If everyone does what God tells them to do, we will live in Harmony.

God help me to hear you, so I may know your will.  Also help me to go forth with your will and hold my hand while I do your will. 

I have to admit these words hold much more meaning for me today.  Now that I actually have a house and a family, I am quickly learning this lesson ;o)  On a broader view, if you think of the U.S. as a house, we also must be on the same page.  I have to admit, I used to not care about politics and our countries future.  But now that I have a "house" or family of my own, our countries future is very important to me.  Right now more than ever, I believe we need to pray that politicians and people in power would hear the word of God and come to know Him.  So that our country may, once again, be a nation of God. 

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