Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 20: Setting Aside

Mark 7:9 "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions."

One cannot check in and out of having God in their life.  They can't decide which of God's commands he likes and dislikes, which ones he will follow never, seldom, sometimes, or always.  No excuses--no if, ands, or buts about it.  Give God your all or nothing.

Being a carnal Christian (living a luke warm life--half in the world half in Jesus) is much much harder than being a true believer.  In fact it might even be harder than not being a believer at all.  The bad news (or good news rather) is that once you know the truth, there's no going back in your conscience.  Once the Holy Spirit lives in you, the truth will always follow you...even if you become a "non-believer" again.  The world is a tempting place to be in.  Thank heaven it is our temporary home.  We are like sheep among wolves.  But do this one thing: follow ALL of God's commands and you will lead a much happier, peaceful life.  Learning God's commands...this involves picking up your Bible and Learning them ;o)

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