Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 6: My Task

Day 6: My Task
Leviticus 20-22; Acts 20

Acts 20:24 "I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace"

God has given every creature of this earth a purpose.  To go along with that purpose gifts and talents to complete that run life's race.  Unless you fulfill God's purpose for your life, something will feel missing.  You are who you are and you have the testimony you have for a reason.  Use your gifts and your testimony to share the Good News with you may show them love.  By loving others you will love God.

Recently Eric and I have been asked to be youth leaders of our church in Wheatland.  Today we are meeting with the pastor to find out more about the position and pray for an answer.  It's funny because not only has God been telling me to start a blog, but He has also been tugging at me to share my testimony with youth.  This could definitely be part of my purpose.

Father God I have felt pretty clear signs from you about leading youth group at our church.  From pastor's message on leaving your comfort zone, feeling the need to share my story with young people, being specifically asked by the church to do so, and reading this very scripture today.  Please Lord if this is your will for my family, let it be known and give us the gifts and talents to run this race worthy of You.  Thank you! Amen

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