Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 1: Heart is known

Back in January of 2010 I started reading the Bible.  Still today, three years and four journals later, I have three "readings" left until I will finish the entire Bible.  Starting today, Day 1, these are my responses to the Bible readings I did.  For each reading I picked a scripture that was meaningful to me.  Next I described that scripture in my own words, applied it to my life, and said a prayer.  What do these scriptures say to you?

Day 1: Heart is known
Leviticus 7-9; Acts 15

Acts 15:8 "God, who knows the heart, showed that He accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as He did to us.  He made no distinction between us and them, for He purified their hearts by faith."

God loves all His children: purple, blue, old, young, sinner or saint.  He will purify your heart if you believe and have faith in Him.

Like God I must not distinguish between people.  We're ALL children of God and we ALL deserve the chance to have our hearts cleansed by the Grace of God.

Father God help me to give everyone a chance.  Not to be biased, to stereotype, or to distinguish between people.

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