Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 13: My Resorer

Psalm 23: 3 "He restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."

HE RESTORES MY SOUL--never ever forget this.  Nothing else in this world can do the same.

When I am lost confused, sad, angry, happy, excited, or questioning, CALL OUT to the Lord--He always restores my soul.  Do not turn to other things first.  FIRST go to the Lord--His Word (the Bible), worship songs to Him.  These help put life back into perspective and doing His will.

Lord thank you for always restoring my soul when I call out to You!

This scripture holds an entirely different meaning for me today.  Psalm 23 just happened to by my (by marriage) Great Grandpa Leon's favorite scripture.  We read it to him on the day he went to heaven just over a month ago.  Grandpa Leon was full of wisdom.  An almost 94 year old man, he loved the Lord more than anything and he was the happiest man I have ever met.  Probably because the Lord restored his soul DAILY.  Lord may I live a life like Grandpa Leon did: calling on you DAILY, and being restored DAILY, so I may take those righteous paths you guide me on, ALL for Your Glory! Amen

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