Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 2: Believe

Day 2: Believe
Leviticus 10-12; Acts 16

Acts 16: 31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."

If you have faith in God--of what was, what is, and what is to come--with ALL your heart, He WILL save you!

I don't have to be a vet, make a million dollars, travel the world, or leave a legacy to be saved.  If I make my ultimate goal to always have faith in God I will be saved.

Heavenly Father help me to keep life simple and always remember that I don't have to save the world to be saved by you, I just have to believe in you with all my might to be saved.

Believe in the Lord Jesus: live a Godly life for you and your family.  Set a good and righteous example so that you and your family who leads by example will be saved.

I would like to wholeheartedly devote my life to God: to loving Him by trying to be more like Jesus everyday--develop virtues that Jesus possessed.  I want to be a good example of Christ for my family so that WE may be saved.

Father help me to be more like you! Open my eyes and ears and heart so that I may see the world as you see it and love others like you would love them.  Save my family and me my Lord. Amen

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