Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year's Resolution...

This year my resolution is to type instead of write my devotions, Bible Studies, and "Talks" rather than continue the stack of lined yellow memo pads that seem to haunt me ;o)

Sunday January 3rd 2016

Acts 13 and 14

Recently Ethan's famous or rather favorite line is "you're not being a nice mommy".  I have to admit the first time I heard him whimper those words I was utterly hurt.  Now here's my response: "Ethan, It's not my job to be a nice mommy, it's my job to love you."  So here's the real question: does love hurt?  Are we called to love or be "nice"?  Did Jesus love or was He "nice"?  What would He have us do? The end old question WWJD?

As Adam Sandler sings in the movie "The Wedding Singer", Love Hurts.  And even as mopey and downright pathetic as he looked and sounded in that clip...he was right!  Love does hurt (occasionally).

God is Love.  He created Love.  And he's the author and perfecter of Love.  Does that mean that life is always hunky dory?  I don't think so.  Because God loves us so much, He gave us freewill to make the choice to Love Him back.  But, He allows us to face consequences when we choose wrong.

If God never allowed us to go through the storms of life (remember) we would never know where the leaks are in our faith.  The stronger our faith in God becomes, the more we become like Jesus and the more we love!  God and others (His golden rule).

So what's the verdict? Is God "a nice Daddy" (as Ethan would say).  Most of the time yes.  And overabundantly so.  But when we don't choose right...when we don't choose love...when we don't choose God.  No He's not nice.  (Remember trials, tribulations, consequences?)

And I would venture to say Jesus didn't call us to be "nice" either.  He called us to LOVE by telling the truth.

Jesus always called the kettle black; but He did so in a loving, convicting way.

He called Matthew a tax collector--basically a thief.  But later asked Matthew to become one of His disciples (after Matthew repented or turned from his sin and toward Jesus).

He called the woman at the well unfaithful--an adulterer.  But later told the Pharisees only to stone her if they were without sin (afterward she repented and shared her testimony with many).

Jesus called a sin a sin...but He did so with Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness.  He did so with Love.

Jesus doesn't want us to be people pleasers either.  He wants us to speak the truth in Love.  To be BOLD in our faith, just as the disciples were in Acts.  They didn't back down when the pressure rose.  They didn't change their message.  They also didn't let the wind go out of their sails, they changed course and told others.  The disciples didn't waste their energy getting frustrated, angry, and resentful,  instead they pressed forward.  Jesus' disciples shared the gospel with love.

And that is this: the truth about Jesus is He is God incarnate.  He walked this very planet.  Died for your very sins (no you're not perfect).  And we need His free gift of salvation from sin and death to receive life and love.  We need His righteousness, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Forgiveness through our repentance: turning from our sin and self to Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Are you a people pleaser at heart?  Do you say what people want to hear?  Walk the other direction to avoid confrontation or enable people to just keep on muddling in their own sin?  Be honest...I am!

But that's not our purpose.  We are to SHARE THE TRUTH IN LOVE.  Jesus did and you can too.  With the help of His Holy Spirit living within you!  Listen for that still small voice, ask for courage and direction, and OBEY.  Remember: withholding or only telling part of the truth is still a lie.  Do you have truth?  Then share it!

Lord I thank you for the gift of Jesus.  Not only did He humble Himself by coming to dwell among us, being tempted and trialed just like us, but He saved us by dying on the cross for our sins.  Help us to share the truth in love like Jesus did.  To listen to the Holy Spirit living within us and say what Jesus would say: Truth.  In Your Son's precious name I pray, Amen.


  1. What a wonderful post! Thank you for the encouragement to follow His example. -Liz
