Sunday, January 31, 2016

Be Baptized

Tonight I wanted to talk about Baptism.  The subject has been prevalent as we've been reading Acts and honestly, I've always had questions on it.  So I dug deeper.  What I found: as a FOLLOWER of Jesus (remember this is different than just being a BELIEVER), you should WANT to be baptized.  Why (there we go again with our theological questions)?  Well for one, Jesus was baptized, and we are to follow His example.  Secondly, that great commission we always talk about, our purpose, some of the most important (I believe) words Jesus ever spoke to us (probably because its the last thing He said before He ascended into Heaven) is:  "go into all the world and make disciples of all nations; BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."  Thirdly, baptism symbolizes best the gospel in our lives: that we die to self, and rise to a new life in Jesus. 

In Acts we keep hearing about the Baptism of John and the Baptism of Jesus.  Many people that the disciples came across haden't yet heard of Baptism in Jesus' name, so they'd teach them and Baptize them.  The disciples gave them Godly truth and wisdom (what we prayed for this morning).   I told you that when I first came to Memorial Baptist Church, Craig gave me Godly wisdom and truth and said that as a follower of Jesus I should be Baptized.  I even hate saying it like that; those weren't his words exactly.  But as followers of Jesus we should WANT to be baptized.  It hasn't even been two years since I was Baptized.  Am I happy I did it? Absolutely!  I want to be obedient to God's path, and I was proud to make that public confession of my faith and to make that vow to God. 

The difference between the baptism of John and the baptism of Jesus, was that John's was with water and was a baptism of repentance and Jesus' is with the Holy Spirit and is a baptism of salvation (see 1 Peter 3:20).  God has saved people twice with water.  First He saved them by providing an Arc for them, and then He saved them by providing Jesus for them.  Jesus is our Arc!  When those 8 people climbed into the Arc, that was their confession that they wanted to be obedient to God and to repent from sin.  When we go under the water, that is our confession that we want to be obedient to God and to repent from sin.  Remember in weeks past we talked about repenting and how when you make Jesus Lord (or Master) of your life, you are NOT saying that you just hate the punishment for sin and want His salvation from that, you are saying that you hate sin itself, you want to turn from it, and turn toward Jesus to follow Him.  Repenting means you want to be more like Jesus, pure and Holy.  Guess who you need to help you with that? Ding ding ding! The Holy Spirit (whom you are Baptized with).

Honestly do I think you need to be baptized to receive the Holy Spirit?  No.  I believe I received this Counselor the day that I first decided to follow Jesus (or perhaps sooner, I just wasn't listening and obeying).  Really, why do you need the Holy Spirit if you just want Jesus as your magic jinni on judgment day?  If you just want Jesus to walk with YOU (until the end), you don't need the Holy Spirit to tell you how to do that, just listen to Satan.  But if you want to repent from your sins (make a 180 degree turn) to follow Jesus, walking with HIM, you'll need the Holy Spirit as your ever-present Helper

If Jesus was baptized, told us to be baptized, AND to baptize others, I'm not going to ask any questions.  In Acts 2 when Peter makes his first sermon to the Jews, they are "cut to the heart" and ask him what they can do (remember they just killed the Messiah).  He tells them to repent, be baptized, and be filled with the Holy spirit.  They didn't question this Godly truth and wisdom!  They were more than happy to comply, and were absolutely ecstatic to have forgiveness (from the Father), salvation (through the Son), and a Counselor (with the Holy Spirit).  Just like I'm not going to question why God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us, I'm not going to question that we are to be Baptized in his Son's name.  Instead I will thank Him for such a priceless gift and opportunity to be buried or dead to self and risen or alive with Christ.

When Jesus was baptized (by John ;o) the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a white dove and the Father said, "this is my Son whom I love, with Him I am well pleased".  Did this happen when I was Baptized? Of course not, I'm not God's Son.  In fact I don't even remember feeling that different, just cold!  But I do know God was well pleased.  He wants all His children to make that public confession of faith in His Son Jesus and to make that promise to Him that with the help of the Holy Spirit, you will follow Jesus.

Following Jesus entails being baptized.  He was and said, "whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" (Mark 16:16).  Again, do I think you have to be baptized to be saved? No.  Look at the thief on the cross; Jesus told him, "I will see you in paradise today", and he obviously couldn't be baptized while hanging on a cross.  This question again goes back to our questioning God (told you we are like the Athenians).  In the history of Acts, people accepted the Gospel message and were baptized, no questions asked.  Back then, Christians were assumed to be baptized.  Today, you never know.  Look at me: I was just baptized two summers ago and have been a follower for almost 10 years!  I am proud that our church sees baptism as important.  In some churches you are just told to raise your hand, pray a prayer, or walk an isle.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that to become a follower of Jesus you must do these things, but the Bible does tell us to be baptized AND to baptize others. 

If you've been a believer of Christ for a long time and finally want to repent and follow Him, be baptized!  Even if you are already following Him and have been filled with the Holy Spirit, be baptized.  It's not too late.  Don't be embarrassed!  I was, because as a youth leader, I was ashamed that I hadn't been baptized yet.  But what I realized is this: as believers of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, we were chosen by Him before we were even a fragment in our mother's wombs.  As we are given Godly truth and wisdom throughout our lifetimes, we can either accept it and follow it, or we can reject it and turn from it.  Craig was my mentor who gave me Godly truth and wisdom and I followed it,  and now as your mentor, my hope is that you will take this Godly truth and wisdom and likewise be baptized if you haven't already.  Being baptized basically states publically and before God that you belong to Jesus.  Do you?  If you have doubts, honestly answer these 4 questions? 

Do you believe that God is GREAT?  (so great that you would sell everything you have to buy the field that this treasure lies in? so great that you would leave everything you have to follow Jesus?)

Do you  believe that God's way of living is BEST?  (you hate the penalty for sin AND sin itself? you don't want sin in your life?)

Do you want to be in love with God?  (to intimately know and have a lasting and eternal relationship with Him? to put Him first in your life?)


Do you want a power in your life to help you live on God's path of righteousness? (and to encourage others to do the same?)


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