Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 138: Actions

Titus 1:16 "They claim to know God but by their actions they deny Him."

"Know God": read His word, pray to Him, seek Him, know what is right in the eyes of the Lord.  But don't let your "actions deny Him".  Use what you know about God to do good.  Walk in the light.  Stay away from temptation.  Ask for His strength.  Listen for His advice.  Trust in Him and do His work with all of your heart soul mind and strength.  God knows us each by name--He has the hairs on our heads numbered.  Don't know want to know Him in the same way?  God is love.  He is our Father and will take care of us.  He tells us not to worry, just to love others in His name, to bring glory to Himself.  Know God and show others that you know Him by your actions.  Live by example.  Thank You God for being our light to follow! Amen.

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