Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Live Guilt-free and in Control today

Why do we over-indulge in sin?  Lying, cheating, sex, drugs, alcohol, judging others, cursing, etc.  This week, I was the eye-witness to my two and three year old both hurling books off a 6 foot lofted bed AND "secretly" eating over 15 Hershey's kisses in less than 5 minutes!

All I can recall at this point is the look of feeling out of control and guilt on their faces.  The crazy part is, these emotions don't change as we get older.  It started from the first sin: when Adam and Eve were frantically trying to cover their nakedness from each other and hiding from God.  And this feeling of no control and guilt will last until the last sin.

Did I used to experience these emotions? ABSOLUTELY...all the time. Do I still sin? EVERYDAY.  But the difference is now I don't feel out of control and guilty.  I now know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Also, I know If I confess my sins to God, ask for His forgiveness and repent and turn from that sin toward Jesus, God doesn't want me wasting any time feeling guilty.  Instead He wants me to feel His love, forgiveness, peace, and hope, so I too can pass these on to those around me. 

Don't waste another minute feeling guilty or out of control with sin in your life.  Accept Jesus and allow Him to wash you clean and start again.  His mercies are new everyday!

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