Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Our God Protects

Although I had planned to talk about something else today, God had other plans ;o) (Thy will be done right?)  This morning while my day had been running ever so smoothly, I got into a car accident.  Although I'm not thankful that my car's probably totaled, I do have a lot to be thankful for.  While praying at lunch today, my husband thanked God for watching over us.  Yes God is watching over us all the time, but sometimes it takes an ounce of the Devil's poison to see God's protection.  The driver who crashed into me hit the left side of my vehicle, but the impact was taken from my front tire...not from my daughter or I.  Ethan and the other driver were also okay, although his air bag went off.  Mine didn't, which probably saved the life of our unborn child.  My husband who was, again by the grace of God, home from work today, was strong for me at the scene of the accident so I didn't have to be.  And my daughter, also a grace spreader, kept reminding me that it was just an accident.  I was the only one who cried today.  My tears were not of pain or even loss (although I will miss cherry bomb...our car), but tears of joy: because I have two children who love me, a baby thriving inside of me, a husband who is my strong tower, and a God who protects me. 

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