Sunday, January 10, 2016


Acts 15

This morning in Sunday School we talked about one of the practices the Pharisees believed in to be saved: the belief that one must be circumcised to be saved.  We learned this was a lie.  Verse 11 says it is by God's Grace alone that we are saved.   

We've talked before about God's Grace and defined Grace as: God at work.  I believe because He wants all of us to be saved that He is at work in all of our lives.  But there's more to the equation.  We have a choice to make in receiving His Grace: the choice to believe in Jesus (that He lived and died for our Sins, and offers us forgiveness and Salvation from Sin and death) AND the choice to REPENT (turn from our sins, and toward Jesus) and wholeheartedly follow Jesus. 

Personally, it took me 5 years after meeting Jesus in my (what I thought was) lonely sorority dorm room before I finally decided to repent and turn from my life of sin and follow Jesus.  I was like Paul talks about in Philippians, I wanted to know Christ.  More than that, I wanted to be like Him.  I still want to be like Him, and I can't wait for the day when in the twinkling of an eye I am made new: spotless, blameless, and pure. 

To be honest, I can't pinpoint exactly why it took me 5 years.  Perhaps pride: I liked having "control" of my life.  Miss independent, not needing help from anyone, and especially in college not having to submit to anyone (except my professors I guess).  Perhaps it was fear.  I was afraid my sins were unforgivable, I was afraid I would never change, I was afraid I would have to change too much.  Or perhaps it was just plain inexperience.  To me, truly repenting and following Jesus takes a leap of faith that you must do wholeheartedly before you can experience what it's like.  As much as I love the Bible and believe with every ounce that I am, it is divinely inspired, you can read testimonies all day long, but experiencing your own is like no other. 

Truthfully, I think it finally took me realizing I could die at any time (no I didn't have control of my fate) and knowing that I wasn't "RIGHT" with God.  I had to get "RIGHT" with Him so I at least had some control of my destiny (Heaven, one may I add I absolutely did nothing to earn...I just chose to received it.

The reason why I wanted to talk about this today is because I feel many people, perhaps in this very room, are in this place of belief in Jesus without truly following Jesus (after repenting of their sins).  I lived this way for five years.  I knew Jesus existed and that I needed Him for my salvation from sin and death.  I was convicted of my sin (I wanted to pull the shades down on the weekends).  I felt guilty and even sorry. 

But I also knew when the question was truthfully and lovingly asked "Are you right with Jesus?" I wasn't.  And I wanted to be.  And you can too!  Anyone can if they receive God's free gift of Grace and Salvation through Jesus by repenting of their sins and following Him.

All we have to do is check out Jesus' beatitudes to conclude that salvation takes more than just believing in Jesus.  Remember, even the devil believes in Jesus.

Jesus says narrow is the path that leads to righteousness.  Does this mean few are truly on it?   

Jesus said we will know followers of Him by their fruit (fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) 

Remember in Matthew 7 Jesus states not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven...I never knew you. Away from me..."  Do you know Jesus? Are you truly following Him?

What path are you on? One of darkness or one of light?  Examine where you are right now.  As you can imagine it's pretty apparent, clear, and even bright if you're walking on the path of righteousness.

This path involves dying to self and living in Jesus, daily seeking Him, listening to His still small voice and being obedient to His will for your life. 

Following Jesus leads to Heaven, just believing in Him: the alternative: Hell, both of which you spend eternity in. 

Once you're on that illuminated path of righteousness, figure out how to stay there, minute by minute, day by day, year by year, until He comes to take you home. 

While on the path that leads to heaven, be mindful of who is and isn't on the same path.  Befriend the people who are (they'll help you stay walking in the light) and minister to the people who aren't yet walking in God's light.  They say they believe in Jesus but the fruit is not there.  They are not being transformed into Jesus' likeness.  Perhaps they've just become complacent, comfortable, and lukewarm (remember in Revelation Jesus says He would rather us be Hot or Cold but He will spit us out if we are Lukewarm!) 

How do we minister to those people?  Remember from last week: plant seeds of truth watered with love.  Only God knows when those seeds will germinate and are ready for harvest (but neither of which can happen if we don't plant those seeds!)  Be watchful, prayerful, always listening and relying on God's call, wisdom, and strength to plant those seeds.

Paul's right; it is by Grace alone that we are saved.  There's nothing we can do to earn our Salvation.  But we still must receive it by believing in Jesus and following Him.  The latter of which can only be done by turning from a life of sin and turning toward Jesus' path of righteousness. 

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