Monday, February 1, 2016

Walk WITH Jesus

One question you should ask yourself when deciding to accept or reject Jesus is this: Do you believe God's way of living is best?  Do you hate the punishment for sin (which is death, see Romans 6:23) AND do you hate sin itself (you long to live a life free of sin)? 

Because this is what many people do when they meet Jesus.  They're walking along, they meet Jesus, and they say to Him, "come along Jesus! I'm going to need you at the end of my life to save me from Hell."

I did this!  Until I realized not only can Jesus give you eternal life, but life abundant now, today!  Jesus didn't come to save your old life of sin.  He came to give you new life in Him. 

So instead of walking your way, Jesus wants us to meet Him, realize what a great and priceless treasure He is, and make a 180 degree turn to walk with Him.

God's way of living is best.  It's what He designed us for.  But remember: it's our choice in whether or not we want to live that way.  The good news is, when we choose to believe in AND follow Jesus, He gives us His Holy Spirit to walk with us and help us stay on the path of righteousness: the path that leads to life eternal with God. 

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