Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 76: Why Parables

Matthew 13:14 "You will be ever hearing but never understanding, you will be ever seeing but never perceiving."

One can read the Bible, go to church, listen to K Love all they can, but it they don't understand and/or perceive God's love, they will never be truly blessed.

I often do this: I am very disciplined so I read my Bible, go to church, but I don't always make the effort to understand and perceive God's love.  Although I have to admit, not that I am a parent I understand God's love more fully.  My husband asked me last night how much money someone would have to give me to trade our daughter...there is no amount of anything that would make me give her up (in fact even the thought of it sent me into a complete panic with my stomach in knots, etc.)  God loves us (each and every one of us) like this: He wouldn't trade us for the world!  Try to comprehend that ;o) Very humbling I must say!

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