Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 67: Bread Alone

Matthew 4:4 "Jesus answered 'man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Man needs to be fed not only physically, but more so mentally.  Worshipping the Lord, praying to God, listening to God, obeying God, and being blessed by God--being grateful to Him are all ways of being "fed" mentally.

There is a distinct difference between being fed physically and being fed mentally.  When you eat too much--you get FULL and don't feel very good.  When you are constantly being fed by the mouth of God (through reading, listening, watching, and doing) you never get FULL!  In fact, the opposite happens: the more full you are, the better you feel.  So fill me up God! I am ready...

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