Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 63: The Prayer of Jabez

1 Chronicles 4:10 "Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 'Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!  Let your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.' And God granted his request."

Jabez asked and he received.  He wanted more opportunity to do God's will.  He know he couldn't do it alone so he asked for God's guidance and Jabez asked God to keep him from temptation so that he may always do good.

Lord help me to not be afraid, but instead to ask for more opportunity, for Your hand, and for You to help keep me from temptation.  When the opportunity is given to GO--be obedient to Your will.  When You hold Your hand out, I pray that I will take it.  When your Holy Spirit tells me something will be tempting, give me the strength to stay away!  Thank you for Your guidance and Your power and Your MANY blessings Father! Amen.

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