Monday, February 22, 2016

Jesus is the belt of Truth

I've talked lately about learning the truth of Jesus, making a 180 degree turn from your life of sin and following Him wholeheartedly.  When you choose to do this, not only does Jesus give you His Holy Spirit to counsel us along the way, He gives us the Armor of God to wear.

By joining Jesus' winning team, each day you get to equip yourself with life-saving armor.  Really--it's like a bullet-proof suit.  The first piece that goes on is the belt of truth.  What is truth, some of you ask.  Well Jesus tells us that He is the way, the TRUTH, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. 

So Jesus is the Truth, not fame fortune, friends, or even family.  Believe it or not, there is more to life than school, sports, and self.  Someone created all those and it's God.  And in order to have a now and forever relationship with our Heavenly Father, we have to have Jesus, we have to have truth.

This belt of truth, or belief in Jesus, stabilizes the whole core of your being by giving you true hope, peace, and joy.  Wear the belt of truth by trusting in Jesus and following Him today.  You will never look back with regret.   

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