Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A fragrant offering

I've been reading all about the different offerings God told Moses the Israelites were to make in Leviticus and I'm in complete awe that Jesus fulfilled all these for us.  We talk often about how Jesus was the sacrifice for our sin, but He also made a way for us in the fellowship with and worship of God.  Amazing!  Not only did the Israelites have to build a very specific tabernacle, alter, and dress for their priests, but they had to made very specific offerings (sin, fellowship, burnt, grain, and guilt), in a very specific way.  Jesus is our Passover lamb: He was unblemished, the timing of His death was at dusk, His bones were unbroken, and by His blood the Lord will Passover us on Judgment day.  Often, the Israelites were unaware of their sin.  Could this be because they didn't have the Holy Spirit convicting them?  Also, when they made their offerings to the Lord, the fragrance went up and was pleasing to the Lord.  Today I believe we are pleasing to the Lord when we repent, pray, worship, and are convicted of our sin.  Anytime we call on the name of Jesus whether in worship or in need of His grace, the Lord is pleased.  Be a fragrant offering unto the Lord!

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