Monday, February 29, 2016

Discover Truth and Stand Strong for it

This Sunday School we talked about the Ephesians and the riot they held in response to Aphrodite being threatened by Jesus being preached.  The people who started the riot feared their idol selling business would go down the drain.  To put it simply, they feared their money making business was being threatened.  Although I imagine many people involved in the riot liked living their life of sin worshipping Aphrodite and living a life of pleasure, and didn't like the idea of worshipping God and His Son, Jesus.  Perhaps this group of people was convicted and knew they should turn from their lust and sin.  However, Luke tells us in Acts 19 that many rioters were confused and just went along with the crowd.  They chanted in favor of Aphrodite for 2 hours!

Again, it's incredible how history repeats itself.  People riot now for gay and abortion rights.  They are pro homosexuality and pro killing unborn babies.  Although some rioters fear $$$ lost and feel the conviction of these sins, I would venture to say most of people are just confused.  They either don't know the truth or they just go along with the grain to be politically correct and part of the majority.

I challenge us all to seek God's truth and His will for our lives in all matters we face.  As we learned last week, Jesus' Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin and righteousness.  Pray, listen, and seek wisdom from Him.  Another place to seek God's truth is in His Word, the Bible.  We have read before that God sees homosexuality and sacrificing babies as sin.  Although the country we live in supports gay marriage and abortion, we don't have to. 

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