Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 45: Man vs. Woman

1 Corinthians 11:11-12 "...woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.  For as woman came from nan, so also man is born of woman.  But everything comes from God."

Men and women, especially married couples, need to realize that they need each other.  God created both men and women to be dependent on each other: to love each other, support each other, challenge each other, etc. etc.  Just like I am dependent on God, I also need to be dependent on my husband for his love and respect.  Just remember, that although we need our husbands/wives, they are not perfect like our Heavenly Father is, and will often disappoint us (this is when forgiveness comes in ;o)

It makes me so sad to see what has become of our country.  It tells us right in the Bible (supposedly the Book of Principles our country was founded on) that God created men and women to be dependent on each other, and yet we want to allow civil unions where men don't have to depend on women and women don't have to depend on men.  In the long run, are these "unions" really going to work?  Not a chance...because it is not part of God's perfect plan.

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