Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 126: New Self

Colossians 3:10 "Put on the new self with is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator."

As Christians we are to "take off" our old selves (our earthly/worldly/fleshly ways) and "put on" Christian principles and morals.  This "new self" is being renewed/restored daily/constantly as we see life through the eyes of our creator.  Going back to Louie Giglio's talk, we are so small compared to the stars and yet we are so intricate.  Not only does God want us to know how BIG He is...He wants us to know how LOVED we are.  This is just our temporary home and we are called to love each other and glorify God.  Pretty simple task when you think about it.  We WAY over-complicate life ;o)

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