Sunday, June 5, 2016

Why are Christians hypocrites?

I have a friend who used to be a waitress at Vimbos. To this day, she's dumbfounded about this couple who were unfortunately regulars. They were the worst customers ever! They complained about everything, were rude to their server and everyone around them, and never tipped. What had her bewildered was that they were Christians (or at least claimed to be).

I find this to be true of a lot of Christians—even in our very church! People sometimes have the opposite of love for their enemies and even for each other: hate, envy, unforgiveness, resentment, jealousy, and bitterness.

You might recall the movie Beware of Christians. We watched it out at Haven on the Rock. In it they claimed “Christians” are responsible for over 40% of atheism. People interviewed said their Christian friends were no different from their non-Christian friends—just busy on Sundays.

Are we just “busy on Sundays”? Or are we truly different?

(Read Into the Field devotional)

Do you possess this same light or are you just like everyone else: fearful, worried, busy...

(Read Romans 2:17-24 replacing “Christian” for “Jew” and “Jesus” for “Law”)

In other words, the world hates God BECAUSE OF YOU (talking about hypocrites).

Why do people think Christians are hypocrites?

1. We're not perfect (like Jesus was and like other religions want you to be)

a. We ALL sin

(Read Romans 3:9-18)

“We ALL fall short”, we ALL sin, but as Christians we're not “slaves to sin” anymore, instead we are “slaves to righteousness”

Although we are and will never be perfect like Jesus is, sin still temporarily separates you from God, so strive to rid sins from your life with the help of the Holy Spirit.

You must “take up your cross DAILY”, dying to sin and self and living for Christ. If you live a life like this, you will without a doubt sin less and serve Jesus more!

b. When you sin, REPENT

Confess your sin, ask for forgiveness, and follow Jesus

If and when you fall, “confess your sins, Jesus is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins AND purify us from all unrighteousness”.

Apologize to others when you screw up. Eric had a plaque in his room when he was little and it now hangs in Ethan's room. It says, “Please be patient with me, God isn't finished with me yet”.

As a Christian, people are watching you, learning from you, and unfortunately judging you. Swallow your pride and admit when you're wrong or when you sin. Being humiliated is often what helps keep you humble. (Don't like being humiliated? Sin less and serve Jesus more!)

c. Jesus IS perfect

Also, don't be self-righteous, instead claim JESUS as righteous. Give Him the glory so that people can connect with you and NOT reconnect with their hatred for you.

As Paul says, we have nothing to boast about when it is not through our works that we are saved, but by faith in Jesus, who is perfect.

His strength is made perfect in our weakness, we NEED Him.

2. We're fake

a. We wear the “perfect” mask

My sister in law said once that she wasn't ready to get baptized because she felt like she needed to get her life in order first. Jesus doesn't want us all “cleaned up” when we get to Church. “For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Also, “it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick”. Jesus wants us as we are: imperfections and all, for again “His strength lies in our weakness”.

People don't connect with your perfect life, they connect with your humility and genuineness. Do you want to talk to someone who's fake and phoney? Then be REAL yourself.

We weren't born how did you get there? Share your testimony, share your story (which by the way should never be older than 24hrs: you should be seeing God at work or GRACE all the time...if not, are you seeking Him or are you just busy?)

b. Underneath our mask we are all broken

Haven't you ever heard the song “Can't we just be BROKEN TOGETHER”? We're ALL broken and blemished, struggling and sinning, so why not entrust our vulnerability to one another and encourage each other. Stop hiding behind your masks!

I have another friend who stopped coming to this very church because she felt like she was the only real broken person who could run balling up to the alter each Sunday for prayer. Jesus says “a broken and contrite/remorseful spirit He desires MORE than a sacrifice”. So next time our hearts are beating wildly out of our chests because we feel the Holy Spirit leading us up to the alter for prayer, GO! Be obedient, be broken. Will you be judged and different than others? Yes but only on the outside. The REAL Judge will be “looking at your heart”, and praising you for your humility.

c. Jesus wants us to be REAL

We can't keep our focus on Him and His plan for our lives if we are wearing the “perfect” mask because we can't see with our mask on, others can't see us, and our focus is on keeping our real self hidden.

When we take off our mask we can see Him more clearly to become like Him.

When we become more like Jesus we are the salt and light of the world, preserving and flavoring everything with love and guiding others towards the path of righteousness with Jesus as the driver and heaven as your destination.

3. We are unchanged

a. We try to change ourselves

Know that you can't change people (not even yourself), only Jesus can. “Anyone who is in Jesus is a new creation, the old has passed away and the new has come.

b. We're not growing in Christ

Although we shouldn't be like infants anymore who drink milk, we must continuously be sanctified (set apart for God), refined (by the fiery trials we face), and purified (like silver constantly being heated and skimmed of imperfections).

You should be a different person today than you were last year (and I don't mean physically or even emotionally, but spiritually).

If you aren't growing, you're just going through the motions, you're lukewarm and God will “spit you out of His mouth. How boring! Not to mention your idleness could lead you astray to find something more “exciting”.

c. We don't idolize Jesus

“God doesn't look at man's outward appearance, He looks at his heart.” Does yours belong to Jesus? Do you LONG to do what He did, say what He said, and be where He is? Just like we aren't allowed to hate anyone but Satan, we aren't allowed to idolize anyone but Jesus. In fact please DO! Study Him, spend time with Him, be like Him. “Be transformed into His likeness with EVER increasing glory.”

Like I always say, it's the LEAST we can do for Him for ALL He's done for us!

When you're honest, real, and Christ-like, people won't label you a hypocrite, they will want what you have: Jesus...which IS our ultimate purpose in life.

Next week: Starting our book Truth Matters, which is all about Apologetics and defending our faith.

I'm going to be VERY honest with you. You can defend your faith all day long, but if you're not living it—if you're a hypocrite—people aren't going to listen to you, none the less believe you.

So this week: be honest, be real, be Christ-like!

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