Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jesus' shield of faith

What do flaming arrows, hand grenages, and IED's all have in common?  They're all weapons of warfare used to distract and to kill.  Which is exactly what Satan has in mind for you.  He wants to take your focus from following Jesus to sin and ultimately death. 

However, the good news about choosing Jesus' winning team: He equips you with a shield of faith.  This life-saving piece of armor not only distinguishes Satan's flaming arrows directed specifically to distract you, this shield deflects these deadly arrows so you are able to walk forward on God's illuminated path of righteousness.  This path is paved with over 2000 promises of God that are within your reach.  But remember, God gave us free will to choose to step out in faith and receive these promises that give you true peace, hope, and joy.  Take up Jesus' shield of faith today and walk forward with Him to receive these life-changing promises of God.  You will never look back.

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