Wednesday, August 29, 2018

UP has our vote!

Michigan has kept us busy and God has continued to bless us on our travels.  To name just a few of our adventures: pasties in Marquette (delicious!), a practically private and very cheap outdoor concert at Marquette’s ski resort, one of the last FREE camp spots at Hovey Lake in Hiawatha National Forest, a church service ON lake superior, “log sliding” down hundreds of feet to the icy and secluded waters of Lake Superior at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, feeding jelly to Lulu the baby black bear cub at Oswald’s bear ranch, standing under the copper colored, refreshing waterfalls of the Tacamanon River, discovering the least crowded and most beautiful Iroquois Light House, and FINALLY understanding the Soo Locks.  Our very favorite blessing was camping in an old CCC camp just outside Paradise, the wild blueberry capital of the world.  It was “paradise” to us: with hundred-year-old, huge, healthy white pines, miles of secluded jogging roads, and its proximity to town.  It reminded us so much of the Medicine Bow National Forest at home that it has left me homesick.  REALLY homesick.  Every evening we were blessed to hear two sandhill cranes call as they flew off into beautiful evening, as if to say goodnight.  Although we were apprehensive to leave this dream spot, me had been in Michigan for almost a month and had yet to touch foot on the lower peninsula ;o)  Currently we are staying just outside of Manistee in the Manistee National Forest.  Finally, we almost capsized “Smokey” as we roughly learned to paddle down the (sad to admit) LITTLE Manistee River.  It was so clean, clear and beautiful; we even spotted a salmon! 

Next week, God willing, we will head towards Ohio.  We are kind of at a crossroads however.  I am learning that after about four months of travel, I’m pretty maxed out and exhausted (even as slow as we go!)  Probably due to the flexibility required, tight quarters, new washers every week, and how could I dare leave out that we are far from family and friends?  I don’t mean to sound snotty and ungrateful.  I LOVE traveling and feel so richly blessed to be able to adventure and explore as our little family.  But it’s downright tiring some days, to the point that the daily grind, unchanging, monotonous life staying put sounds peaceful and serene.  We continue to pray for direction and discernment from our precious Lord.  Pray you are doing likewise, knowing that He has a perfect plan for each one of us.  Sometimes being still isn’t all He requires, but being patient as well (that’s my vice).  If you’re like remember God’s timing is perfect too!  Watch and wait for Him… Peace and Love to all our faithful readers: our family, our friends ;o)

Eric, Jenna, Addalynn, Ethan, Abram, Sophie, Holly, and Slimey 

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