Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thy Will Be Done

Our week at Indian Bread Rocks was extraordinary, minus a 24 hour flu that ran it’s course for us all (if you can count Addalynn having a “frog in her throat” πŸ˜‰…what can I say, the girl’s got a stellar immune system, praise God!).  Thankfully the weather was crummy the couple of days we felt crummy so movie days were pretty guiltless.  Although the sunshine was blissful when it did decide to finally make its appearance.  We enjoyed our hikes exploring the rock features and even summiting to the ever-deceiving “waterfalls”.  Eric was at peace to finally learn from a ranger that javalina were most likely not going to attack our dogs.  We even managed to venture to Historic Tombstone one day where we cried/cringed through the reenactment of the epic Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday gun fight.  The highlight of our kid’s day: feeding donkeys carrots and apples from the Jeep windows on the way home!  Our most epic day this week however: you guessed it!  Sunday.  But this Sunday was like one we have not, and I think will not (God’s laughing), ever experience again. 

With the nearest town to Indian Bread Rocks being run down by what we found out later to be druglords (yikes I’m sensing a pattern), and the other close towns not having any churches that peaked our interest, we decided to pack up camp early and head to Las Cruzas, New Mexico, in hopes of finding a church there.  Well find one we did!  (Just not the same one God had in mind).  We listened to a sermon from this church and felt like we would be “fed” spiritually if we attended church there.  But just in case, Eric thought we should listen to a sermon from another church, in order to be objective.  Seconds after hitting play, our eardrums were ringing and as far as we knew our speakers/radio, or maybe both were blown (poor Eric, we seriously break at least one thing a day!).  Well apparently, God isn’t keen on plan Bs.  Not with His redemption, not with His will for our lives.  His was very clear that day.  Read on:  After dumping and filling up with water on our way to Las Cruzas (Spanish for Crosses…), Eric (although I love his fix it capabilities…I don’t always love his timing) decided to try to fix the radio…before church.  With arriving at the Walmart parking lot and hopping into the Jeep (our tow vehicle…a must!), just minutes before church started (11 am), I was confident we wouldn’t be too late since Siri and I had become bffs on this trip (literally, it’s why Eric and I are STILL on the road to this day!).  After a minor mishap of circling Walmart because I forgot to close the navigation for it, and because we really didn’t even need to leave the parking lot in the first place (you’ll find out why in a minute, just hang in there).  Let’s just put it this way: God punked Siri on Sunday.  We knew we had not “arrived at our destination” in the middle of an intersection.  After thoroughly searching the area, the internet, and attempting to re-navigate to this church, it was clear, we were not to be attending this church today.  But we were also thoroughly confused as to why not?  Feeling discouraged and now hungry, we decided to head back to Walmart and search for a church service in the evening, because “our understanding” was that services didn’t start after 11…or did they?  Well the one ACROSS from the Walmart parking lot did.  Heart for the World’s service started at 11:30.  It was 11:28.  We weren’t even late!  God had my attention.  He knew exactly where we would be able to worship Him best that day.  Where You go, I’ll go, when You stay, I’ll stay, when You move, I’ll move, I will follow You.  Lord Lead on!   

And that He did: to a beautiful state park just outside of Truth or Consequences, where, God willing, we’ll spend the next week or so.  It’s on a beautiful lake and we’ve found our little piece of heaven in New Mexico.  May I caution you on talking to Siri this week; she might just lead you down here!  The more the merrier!  God Bless each and every one of you!  Peace and Love, Eric, Jenna, Addalynn, Ethan, Sophie and Holly

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but chuckle that Abram got left out of this one πŸ˜‰
