Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Home SWEET Home

Wow!  Have I really not written since Michigan?  I knew our trip was a whirlwind but I had no idea the extent ;o)  Well we are back in Wyoming…but we did make it to the east coast!  Yippy!  And let me tell you how good it feels to be out of that rat race and back home!  Although it was beautiful and eventful, it was busy and exhausting.  From the lower peninsula of Michigan we headed through Ohio where we were able to bike in Cuyahoga National Park on Labor day weekend.  From there we headed up towards Niagara Falls where Ethan celebrated his 5th birthday…in CANADA ;o)  Awesome!  Although we enjoyed Adirondack park in New York, they weren’t the Rockies ;o)  However we did love Vermont and the Green Mountains.  I got my romantic wish of going to a sugar shack to try pure maple syrup…yum!  Although our (or should I say our kids) lobster experience in Maine was quite the opposite.  They were a bit shocked that we were going to eat something we had just seen swimming in a tank!  However, Acadia was wonderful!  We loved the ocean and the history of the park.  Boston was a bit more challenging.  Especially trying to find parking with a canoe on our roof ;o)  But the freedom trail was fascinating and the city itself was my favorite.  Nonetheless it still left me exhausted and leaning toward home.  That is until an angel paid us a visit in what we thought was a quaint elementary school park.  After telling this man we were on our way home, he said “we’d be crazy not to take the train to New York City!”, as the train station was just a couple miles from there.  My thought: we don’t have to find parking?  Okay I’m in!  And we did!  The statue of Liberty and all (Addalynn’s dream come true!).  We also managed to cram in Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod National Seashore, and Gettysburg.  All before taking another train from Harpers Ferry to Union Station in Washington, D.C.  Loved the memorials and walking the mall.  Although I would love to go back and see the museums when our kiddos are older.  Shenandoah was a breath of fresh air.  Although the rat race whirlwind of a trip had us ahead of schedule and the heat had us yet again longing for the cool mountains of home instead.  After an indescribable detour to see Noah’s Ark in Kentucky, less than a week after seeing New York city, we kissed the cold refreshing ground of Wyoming.  As you can see it is by the Grace of God we made it! 

                I can’t say that I loved every minute of our trip.  As I have said, there were moments when I wanted to go home, moments when I wanted monotony, and moments when I wanted my momma!  But the blessing of being able to explore and discover much of our country has left me marveling and with memories I will never forget (in fact I hope I don’t, because I’m sure I will have to remind our 3 small children someday).  But I think our goal in spending more quality time as a family, dabbling in activities and places around the U.S., and finding our next place to put down roots has been met.  We’ve bonded while biking, canoeing, hiking, and picnicking all over the country…but there’s no place like home!  We’ve yet to adventure to the deep south, the west coast, and my (still) dream: Alaska, but Wyoming is by far the most extraordinary to us.  So here we are!  Until next time ;o)